Fourth project meeting

Fourth project meeting of ESUKOM took place in Berlin on 23. of November

At 23rd of November, the project ESUKOM met on the fourth time at the partner mikado soft gmbh in Berlin. On the agenda stood the project status and procedure, the development status of the prototypes, and the meta-data model with the consolidation algorithm. Additionally the work on the work packages has been presented. The project leader DECOIT GmbH reported about the contents of the project and showed its own work as the other partners too. Main object of the discussion was the implementation of the data consolidation, in which the project made a big step forward. All together the project is very well inside the project plan and has several interesting targets for the future.

Project presentation of FH Hannover

The project ESUKOM is very popular with its topics as several publications and co-operations have proved. Several publications in professional journals, conferences, and exhibitions have been worked out. Additional the amount of co-operations increased. Actually two further co-operations with other projects are in discussion. The website of the project published still the latest news of the work, which is much more that other projects did.

Common discussion about the correlation of meta-data

The development status of the prototypes is also in progress, continuously. All partners work busy on the implementation. The company DECOIT has the task to develop IF-MAP adaptation for open source products like Android, Nagios, Snort, iptables, and Radius. Mikado soft and NCP work on their own products regarding IF-MAP interface. Additionally the FH Hannover developed an IF-MAP server, the implementation for DHCP, and the graphical interface for the network communication. A very important point is the development of the correlation engine, which should harmonise the the meta-data and should use the consolidation procedure. But this engine is still in the conception phase and not available yet, during the rest of the prototypes are runnable already.

Visit of the partner mikado soft gmbh

On the meeting, first of all the consolidation of the meta-data has been discussed, which should cover the key features of the project. Here, different solution approaches are available, as an abstract meta-data model, domain-specific instances, and generic mechanism for the consolidation. In the approaches an automatically IF-MAP mapping is hard to handle. Therefore this will be the all-important step for the project to get a big picture of all secure components together. To get further progress and push the project, the next project meeting will take place in Darmstadt in January.

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